Looking for Cover Design?
Custom printed business cards, brochures, postcards, magnets, stickers, letterhead, envelopes, ncr forms & more!
Robin Ludwig Design is now Florida Girl Design Inc! New name, same service! Email to order TODAY!
Your privacy is important to us...
Updated: 11/04/2024
You can view our website without giving us any information about yourself. We do not sell or rent your information to third parties for their marketing purposes. We use your personal information to facilitate the services you request. We use your personal information in the file we maintain about you to: collect fees owed; measure consumer interest in our services, inform you about online and offline offers, services, and updates; and as otherwise described to you at the time of receipt.
Florida Girl Design also collects information about which pages our customers visit within the Florida Girl Design and gobookcoverdesign websites.
NOTE: Florida Girl Design websites are general audience sites and do not knowingly collect any personal information from children. Children (persons under the age of 18) are not eligible to use our websites unsupervised and we ask that children do not submit any personal information to us. If you are under the age of 18, you may only use this site in conjunction with and under the supervision of your parents or guardians.
Florida Girl Design will occasionally update this privacy statement. When we do, we will also revise the "updated" date at the top of the privacy statement.
Please email with any concerns or questions you may have.